Nick Schmidt
Career Summary
Nick Schmidt serves as a commercial real estate advisor at NAI Pfefferle in the Fox River Valley area, where he has been a lifelong resident. Nick focuses on retail, vacant land and investment property sales and development. He has been involved in the sale, purchase or development of numerous retail centers and has worked with Alltel Wireless, Edward Jones, Snap Fitness, Subway and many other local and regional tenants.
Prior to joining the NAI Pfefferle team, Nick served as an escrow officer in the closing department of a local title company. This experience provided him with great exposure to many local lenders and real estate professionals, and an inside look at the title side of a real estate transaction.
• Bachelor of Science degree in business administration
• Bachelor of Arts degree from St. Norbert College
Achievements and Affiliations
• Third Place, Broker of the Year, NAI Pfefferle, 2011
• National Association of Realtors
• Wisconsin Realtors Association
• Commercial Association of Realtors Wisconsin
• Licensed real estate salesperson, state of Wisconsin