Valuation Services

Our Broker Opinion of Value (BOV) reports provide property owners and sellers, as well as banks, CPAs and property owners, real-time market information that helps guide their plans and decisions. When conducting a BOV, our brokers analyze the current market, past transactions, and the strengths and weaknesses of your property to understand what the target value range should be. Our team will also inspect your commercial building to evaluate its physical condition, which impacts market value. In addition to existing buildings, we also specialize in land valuations, which take into account the amount of buildable land, wetlands, utilities, future infrastructure and improvements, and other elements.

Our Valuation services include:

  • Broker Opinion of Value
  • Office, Retail, Medical, Industrial, Multi-Family, Land
  • Market Analysis
  • Single Asset Valuations
  • Portfolio Valuations
  • Property Condition Report
  • Purchase v. Lease Analysis
  • 1031 Exchanges


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